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Area Rugs

Transform your space with one of our Area Rugs, ideal as a striking centerpiece or a subtle touch. Easily shift the mood of any room, from modern to transitional, traditional to tribal, with our rugs that reflect your unique style.

Area rugs can completely refresh a room, acting as a statement piece of artwork, or they can create a neutral base, accenting the decor. Switching out rugs for different styles can transform the room from modern to transitional, traditional to tribal. With our range of styles and sizes, you can find the perfect rug to frame and complement your room.

A rug is often one of the first things a person notices when they walk into a room, so you want to choose one that makes the right impact.

Whether you want to add some warmth to wooden or tiled flooring or cover up unattractive carpets, area rugs are a great addition to any room.

Choosing the right rug can be challenging. Think about the style of the room, whether you want to compliment the existing decor, or if you’re starting from scratch, you need to think about the look and feel you want the space to have.

Consider the colour palette

Do you want your rug to make a statement with bold colours, or something with muted tones for a minimal look?

With various colours and patterns to choose from, an area rug is a good piece for pulling various elements of your furniture and decor together. It can also be a good piece of decor to build a room around.

Different rooms in your home may have their own colour palette. You can choose a rug with a core colour to anchor the space, or an area rug with a mix of various hues, depending on what suits the room.

Think about the space

When choosing an area rug, think about where in the house it will sit. This will determine the size you need, as well as the design and materials.

If it’s going in a high traffic area such as the living room or kitchen, you want a durable rug that will not show wear and tear as easily. You may want to choose a pattern or darker colours that will not show up stains and marks as easily.

For the bedroom, you want a rug that will add cosiness, so look for soft materials and calming colours to encourage a good night’s sleep.

When it comes to area rugs, it’s better to go bigger. An area rug can be used to cover a large space, but if you choose one that’s too small it can make the room look unfinished.

Hali has a wide selection of high-quality and stylish area rugs for sale. Shop our rugs online now.